Sftp connection to work server fails with same settings on another computer


I have connected to work server through sftp with FileZilla or Sublime Text SFTP plugin many times at home (fiber). I am visiting my parents but i have to do some work here so i copied all of the settings of sublime text and filezilla to my laptop. But, when i try to connect to my work server throght mobile internet (some usb stick from mobile services provider) and some netgear router (usb stick is connected to router) my sftp connection fails on both filezilla and sublime text.

Status: Connectiong to server...
Answer: fzSftp started, protocol_version=8
Com:    open "username@server" 22
Error:  Network error: Connection refused

I am not using ssh key but username and password. What could be the problem?

Best Answer

Here are the things to check:

You are getting refused, which could be wrong server, or a firewall sending a TCP REJECT. So..

  • Check DNS resolution: on the terminal, ping SERVER where SERVER is the DNS name

  • Try to connect to another server you know works. Do you have the same problem, if so, probably a firewall issue.

    • It's not your internal OS firewall, b/c your laptop works fine elsewhere (?).

    • Take the router out of the picture, and go straight from your laptop, repeat same test.

    • If it's still failing, it might be your WWAN ISP. Who is the carrier? I have seen SSH blocked before on LTE, but it's rare.

    • Consider using a professional VPN. Most offer a free month. I used ExpressVPN myself, crazy fast, never have to worry about quirky ISP rules.