SharePoint 2007 Problem After Feb 2010 CU


We just applied the SharePoint 2007 Feb CU and there were no errors in the update process. The problem is whenever we attempt to work with columns in a list (add or update) we get the following error:

Culture ID 1164 (0x048C) is not a supported culture.
Parameter name: culture

This error happen on existing lists as well as newly created lists. Any assistance is appreciated.

Best Answer

After a call to MS support, we managed to get this one resolved. I don't know if this is something others will run into, but for some reason a VERY old version of the Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.dll was loaded into the GAC on the server. This DLL should be located in the app_bin folder of each web application on the farm. After we removed the DLL from the GAC everything started working. We could not come up with a reason for why that DLL was in the GAC, but the server had been around since January of 2007.