SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010 Migration Plans


Our company had a difficult time migrating from WSS 2003 to MOSS 2007 and we're starting to plan out our approach for migrating from MOSS 2007 to MOSS 2010. Does anyone have any plan/strategy for upgrading existing SharePoint 2007 sites to SharePoint 2010?

Best Answer

Here is a link to the SharePoint 2010 upgrade center on TechNet. This will be your best starting point.

Some highlights you'll need to keep in mind:

  • SharePoint 2010 is 64-bit only and only runs on Server 2008. If your 2007 farm isn't 2008 64-bit you are talking about a rebuild of your farm
  • SharePoint 2010 requires 64-bit SQL Server, so you are also possibly talking about a rebuild of your SQL environment
  • If you do need to do the 64-bit/2008 migration, Microsoft has a guide for upgrading to a new 64-bit 2007 farm, then you can do an in-place upgrade of that to 2010
  • SharePoint 2007 (and WSS) SP2 contains a pre-upgrade checker for SharePoint 2010 - you can run that and it will help assess your readiness for a 2010 upgrade
  • Other than that, the options are very similar - In Place upgrade or DB Attach - there are some cool new things though. With DB attach, you can attach multiple DBs at once and they will be upgraded in parallel.
  • Although you upgrade the SharePoint bits, you can leave your sites in "2007" mode and change them to the 2010 look/feel on a site-by-site basis.
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