SharePoint 2010 Profile-User-Sync fails on export of admin-objects


Our current situation:

  • our farm contains two DCs, one SP 2010 and one EX 2010 server
  • the SharePoint is running fine
  • the User-Profile-Synchronization-service is up and running, AD-imports are done well

What we'd like to do:

  • export user-object-data into the AD (f.e. thumbnailPhoto)

What we've done:

  • we added all permission-requirements to the syncing system-user-account (write objects, create objects, replicate directory and pre-win2000-access)

What happens:

The export of objects fails on admin-accounts. An investigation with the "Synchronization Service Manager on SP" (miisclient.exe) shows a "completed-export-err" during the "DS_EXPORT". A dig in tells us "Error: permission-issue", the permissions are not sufficient.

What do we need to do, to set the AD-permissions of the sync-account up, to be able to write attributes of our administrative-user-accounts?

Best Answer

For now we decided to solve the "problem" with a workaround, by adding extra user-accounts for each administrator.

Why we're doing that? At first, i'd like to pint out, that i have some pain with adding extra administrative permissions to the export-service-account. It seems to be a bad idea to grant this account such great power over the active-directory, to even manipulate admin-accounts in general. Another way could have been to adjust the "administrative flags" which seem to prohibit changes on admin-objects in general (unless an admin is the manipulator). I guess this also a bad idea, since this would grant the service full power to admin-accounts too and we might affect additional services, which rely on these flags for proper functionality.

Since we made this decision now we have to migrate the farm-status to the "new" situation. This is not that trivial, that's why i'd like to share our current workflow, for the case somebody has to do the same:

Creating additional user-accounts for an admin in a SharePoint/Exchange-Farm (if you were working with administrative accounts before)

This solution aims at transferring the admin-username to a new and normal user-object.

  1. Add filter-rules to your user-profile-synchronization-connection (sorry - translated from German), which avoid the synchronization of the "new" admin-accounts. It seems to be a good idea, to rely this ruleset on the attribute adminCount being greater or similar to 1.
  2. Rename the admin-account and login-name to a "new" naming-scheme for admins.
  3. Create a new user-object following the preferred naming-scheme for users.
  4. Disconnect the exchange-mailbox of the administrator. Be careful to not delete the belonging AD-account incidentially by removing the mailbox!
  5. Create a new exchange-mailbox for the new user (i advise to do this only if the mailbox wasn't in use before). Alternatively you might try to reconnect the admin-mailbox to the new user. Which didn't work in our installation so far.
  6. Check the correct synchronization-status of the specific profile within the user-profile-synchronization-service, you probably have to delete the "old" user-profile of the admin, to let the profile-service correctly reconnect to the new user.
  7. Do not forget to assure the correct authorization-levels in the SharePoint websites.