Sharepoint: Multiple Alternate Access Mapping Collections for Single Web Application


We have a SharePoint MOSS 2007 installation which has two different external hostnames. When inspecting the setup I've noticed that there are two Alternate Access Mapping Collections mapped to the same web application. Each AAM collection contains one url mapped to the default zone.

I can't see how AAM collections are mapped to web apps or even how to create a new AAM collection. I've always thought that there was just a one to one mapping between web apps and AAM collections.

Does anyone have any idea as to how you would create such a situation?


Best Answer

You can add new AAM collections using the "map to external resource" link in the AAM page in Central Admin. You shouldn't be able to have one of these new collections point to an existing web application though, that throws errors when you try to do it.

Can you maybe post a screenshot of your AAM page (with the "show all" view) so we can see what you are talking about?

Also, the best source for learning about how AAM works is:

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