SharePoint / SQL Server “out of memory” error


After months of preparation, we launched a new SharePoint intranet portal today. Immediately, some users began getting a "server out of memory" error when they tried to log in. The SharePoint server appeared to be fine, but the SQL Server was reporting 100% memory use. (It has 4 GB.)

We rebooted the server and have not had further memory problems, though memory usage is hovering around 60% or above. I'm not convinced that we have solved the problem; I suspect it may return Monday morning when the whole staff tries to log in again.

I'm not a database guy, and I'm stumped about how to troubleshoot this. Do we need more memory, or is there somewhere I should look to reduce memory usage?

Best Answer

Well, first thing to note is by default SQL server will suck up all memory available on the server over time. You can change this setting by going into the management studio, going to the server properties, memory and modifying the "maximum server memory" option to some number smaller than your 4GB of memory. If the server doesn't have enough memory for your installation you will of course have poor performance still but at least this will prevent SQL from eating it all up directly.