Shell script to automate SFTP Upload


I've been trying to get a PHP script to SFTP upload a file, but failed. I tried asking my question on but haven't received a working solution:

So now I want to try a different approach. Is there a way to write a shell script that can issue several commands to sftp upload a file to another server? If I were to issue commands one by one from terminal, it would look like:

>password: mypassword
>put file.csv

I tried putting these three lines into a ./automaticupload file. When I executed the file, but the terminal shows me:'s password:

even though I typed in the password line in automaticupload.

I am unable to create a passwordless ssh/scp/sftp account. The remote does not give me ssh or scp access.

What should I do?

Best Answer

If you want to use sftp from a script you need to setup passwordless SSH keys with ssh-keygen(1) or use sshpass

My vote would nearly always be for the former, but it can depend on the situation which is more appropiate.