Shortcut on client to remote server


My setup details;

  • Remote Server 2012 R2 Satndard – IP
  • Client PCs Win7

I would like to create a shortcut on (multiple) client PC's that points to an .exe file on a remote server. For example Google Chrome.

This is quite new to me so if somebody could explain the process i'd be very grateful.

The client PC'c will have the full program (Chrome) installed however I would like to 'point' their desktop shortcut to the shortcut on the remover server. This is so that I can use command line switches, and set them on the remote server.

The shortcut on the server resides in C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

I'm sure this is easy (not for a newbie!), how would I achieve this?

Best Answer

You are building a dependency on the server. Assuming standalone program, on your server - I would create a shared folder. Create junction link from "c:\yourshare\shortcut.exe" to "C:\Program Files (x86)\myProgram\myShortcut.exe"

On client open "\\\yourshare\" Create shortcut to "\\\yourshare\myshortcut.exe"

That way your not directly changing permissions on "C:\Program Files (x86)" hierarchy.