DNS – Should CNAME Be Used for Subdomains


I manage multiple websites that currently have the following DNS configuration:

example.com      - A Record - Production Server IP
test.example.com - A Record - Test Server IP
www.example.com  - CNAME    - example.com
beta.example.com - CNAME    - test.example.com
dev.example.com  - CNAME    - test.example.com

Is this an appropriate use of CNAME records? I've looked online and have not found a clear answer. Some people claim that CNAME records are bad (they are not, however, clear on why this is) and propose the following setup:

example.com      - A Record - Production Server IP
test.example.com - A Record - Test Server IP
www.example.com  - A Record - Production Server IP
beta.example.com - A Record - Test Server IP
dev.example.com  - A Record - Test Server IP

Which one of these is the better approach (and why)?

Note: The subdomains do not require their own MX records, so that is not an issue here.

Best Answer

Yes, that's an appropriate use of CNAMEs. In the discussions I've been part of, the arguments tend to go like this:

Against CNAMEs:

  • There is a (tiny) performance penalty, as the downstream DNS caches need to perform 2 DNS lookups, one for the CNAME and one for the A-Record the CNAME points to.
  • Vague, bogus arguments about CNAMEs having less "authority" or compatibility issues.

In favor of CNAMEs:

  • They provide a clean abstraction between hardware (physical servers) and services.
  • They simplify DNS management -- when a server moves, you only need to change one record.

After trying a couple of different ways to do this, I now have a personal favorite style. It is:

  • One A Record for each physical server; with a fairly low TTL (perhaps 30 minutes); giving the server a human-friendly name.
  • One CNAME for each service; with a high TTL (perhaps 24 hours); pointing to the above server names.
  • As the sole exeption to the rules above, the domain root is an A-Record, pointing to the webserver / web load balancer. (The @ is required to be an A-record.)

I find that this setup works well. It keeps extra DNS lookups for the CNAMES down; and if a server crashes I can still change public DNS around fairly fast.

Here's a (improvised) example in BIND syntax:

;name     ttl   class rr     value 
server01  30m   IN    A
server02  30m   IN    A

webmail   24h   IN    CNAME  server01
extranet  24h   IN    CNAME  server02
ftp       24h   IN    CNAME  server02
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