Should I use server core vs full install for setting up webserver on a hyper-v VM


I am probably going to use hyper-v running on windows server 2008 standard SP2 for server consolidation. I was thinking that I would do a VM for the web server. I was reading up on just using server core. I am not a big command line fan, but would do it if I had a nice cheat sheet for everything that mattered when setting the server up with IIS, or do I just end up managing those things remotely.

A. Is there a well known cheat sheet for all the command line things I would need to do?
B. Can I manage the core server completely from a remote system, so A doesn’t matter?
C. Any there really any obvious gotchas with a core other than you can’t upgrade after the fact?
D. Any pointers to some good tutorials/blogs on this subject?
E. Should I just stick with Full install or do the Core install?

Best Answer

There are cheat sheets like this yes. But honestly if you haven't set one up and aren't comforatble with core, I'd wait. While the benefits are nice, you don't want it to be a hinderance while maintaining it. I'd definitely get this up and running on a test system and get everything working there first.