Should You Host Your Own Nameservers?


This is a Canonical Question about whether to outsource DNS resolution for ones own domains

I currently have my ISP providing DNS for my domain, but they impose limitations on adding records. Therefore, I am thinking about running my own DNS.

Do you prefer to host your own DNS, or is it better to have your ISP do this?

Are there alternatives which I can look into?

Best Answer

I wouldn't run my own DNS server - in my case, the hosting company that hosts my website provides free DNS service. There are also alternatives, companies that do nothing but DNS hosting (DNS Made Easy comes to mind, but there are many others) which are the kind of thing you should probably look into.

The reason I wouldn't do it myself is that DNS is supposed to be fairly reliable, and unless you have a geographically distributed network of servers of your own, you'd be putting all your eggs in one basket, so to speak. Also, there are plenty of dedicated DNS servers out there, enough that you wouldn't need to start up a new one.