SHUTDOWN /S /M \\RemoteMachine – Windows Updates Impact

group-policywindows 7windows-server-2008windows-updatewsus

I have WSUS configured using group policy to deploy windows updates every Tuesday. I also have batch files that run at 11PM every night (except Tuesday) that shutdown the workstations in the company.

Often after updates are downloaded and installed, the option is shown to 'install updates and shut down'. I do not depend on users to restart the computers so they can finish installing updates.

My shutdown command is as follows:

shutdown /s /c "message incase someone is on the machine" /m \\hostname

This shutdown quits all open applications (/c) and shuts down in 60 seconds. The problem is that it does not finish the update installations… Does anyone know if I remove the /c if the system will finish installing updates before shutting down? Or do I need to look at a different method (script or policy where users must manually shut down on Wensday mornings) ?

All of the machines are windows 7 with a windows 2008 server (dc)


Addition from comment:

The 'no auto-restart with logged on users for schedule automatic updates' is not configured. But I still find systems waiting with 'install updates and shutdown' option. Should I set this option to disabled?

Best Answer

A windows machine will automatically install updates and restart (if necessary) in the installation schedule configured at the GPO.

Defaults are: Install updates 03AM every day, prompt user to restart or postpone.

You can define weekly installations, automatic restart and no postpone.

GPO Settings involved [Computer\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Windows Update]:

  • Configure automatic updates
    • Auto download and schedule the install.
      • Choose install day and time.
  • Allow Automatic Update immediate installation
  • Delay Restart for Scheduled Installations
    • Define the amount of time you want to give users before restart.

With that configuration, machines shall restart automatically without waiting for users.