Simple S3 -> Glacier Backup

amazon s3amazon-glacieramazon-web-services

I'm looking to backup a few terabytes of data in our S3 buckets to Amazon Glacier. I've seen the options for "automatic archival" of S3 -> Glacier, but I'd rather it just be a simple one time dump (and the files can't be removed from S3). Looking at:

There's a nice easy-to-use API, but it seems like a tool for this should already exist. Are there any tools for easily moving data from S3 to Glacier?

Best Answer

I see some useful comments are already here but will throw in just one comment: I would frankly go with putting your objects into S3 and then simply create a very short "Transition to Glacier" policy, like a few hours or 1 day old. You can access Glacier directly through the API, but the reason I would go this route is that you will still see your objects listed within S3, but you'll see in the "Storage Class" column that after a few days everything will have been moved into Glacier. Then, when/if you need to retrieve something out of Glacier, you can make the retrieval request (called "initiate restore" in the new ACTIONS menu of S3's web GUI) it's all right there for you to see and work with.

I'm a huge fan of the CLI for much of my AWS work, but I think until there's a really robust and usable CLI tool for Glacier, this seems easier to work with.