Simplest way to redirect from a page on one domain’s URL to another domain


Background: I redirect my web site's email to a Google Apps account, since Google was giving me much higher uptime and much better spam filtering. But it's a pain to log in from a new PC. You have to go to, find and click on the sliver of a link that says "Returning user? Sign in here", enter your domain name, then enter your username and your password. I just gave my kids their own email addresses on my domain, and this is a lot to ask of them.

Question: So I want to set up a redirect on my website, so they can simply enter the website's url with their name at the end:

and immediately get redirected to:

at which point all they have to do is enter their name and password (it would be cool if I could pre-enter their name for them, too, but I haven't been able to figure out if that is possible).

Is there an easy way to do this? I know a little html, but not much beyond that. I don't know anything about apache. So baby steps appreciated.

Aside: I would have expected to be able to go to, enter as the username, and have google figure out that this is a google apps user and log them in under that domain. But it doesn't seem to work that way (yet, anyway).

Best Answer

If you have control of the DNS settings for your domain, you should be able to add a CNAME of "mail" directed towards "", that way you'll only need to give your kids the address of: "", which automatically directs to "". I suggest you force https use on your domain (done at the admin control panel of Google Apps) for extra security.

I'd suggest not using an 'auto-populate' approach for your kids' usernames. It's always best not to peal any layer of security if it's not truly needed. Plus, you'd be surprised how much (and how fast) they can learn system procedures!.