Single IP with multiple DNS


I have taken new account for dedicated server at As per the terms and conditions they have to allot some set of dedicated IPs. After new account creation, I have hosted one web application on IP (example) with DNS. Later I found that the same IP is being used by other hosting providers with different DNS.

When I contacted support people they are telling that it is dedicated IP only but with different DNS.

If it is really a dedicated IP, is there any chance to configure single IP with multiple DNS? Otherwise these people are trying to cheat?

Best Answer

You can host multiple websites on a single IP through the magic of name based virtual hosting. Whether or not softlayer are "cheating" depends entirely on what precisely they've agreed to provide, and that's something you'd need to take up with them. If their tech support is at all reasonable, then they should be able to clear up any confusion with you, and if they can't, then you perhaps need to reconsider whether they're suitably competent to provide you with hosting services.