Slave DNS server (bind) zone files transffered but data is unreadable


I've set up a slave DNS server on Linux using bind. On starting the named service the zone files transffered to slaves/ but the information in the files looks like its in strange computer symbols (i'm not sure what the correct term is for this) where there are symbols and squares like the snippet below.

Does anyone know what may have caused this? Have I missed an important step?

enter image description here

Best Answer

This is default behaviour for Bind 9.10 (at least). See

Specifies the file format of zone files (see the section called

“Additional File Formats”). The default value is text, which is the standard textual representation, except for slave zones, in which the default value is raw.

If you need to examine the contents of the zone files on the slave you can either change this setting (to "text") in your config file or use named-compilezone to dump the contents.