SMALL BUSINESS SERVER 2003 sp1 disaster recovery test, slow preparing network connections


ok did a test to different hardware for a sbs 2003 r2 sp1 machine, client wants a documented test. Have done this in the past many times for others but this time the "preparing network connections" takes long, takes about 20 minutes to boot to the ctrl+alt+dlt

  • booting into safe mode is fast
  • booting into directory services mode is fast
    (seems when exchnage services and Active Directory are not involved things are good)

  • i did the restore using the backup from sbs 2003 under directory services mode

  • i restored the c drive and the system state
  • booted back in and fixed the nic on the system to same old ip address, same with dns and such everything is the way it should be.
  • rebooted, and ad comes up and all the forward and reverse lookups under internal dns are there too.
  • i made hidden items (old nics) under device manager come up and i removed them too.

normally at this stage i would be done and things would be quick to boot, the testing would be over. BUT i keep getting slow preparing network connections. I have done this with the nic connected by cable and with it removed. The main even id is 1126 about the global catalog error. i checked under sites and services and it seems to be enabled.

this used to be on a two DC network. the other DC is a server 2003 unit. Since it was SBS 2003 all the fsmo roles were moved to the sbs 2003 box 3 years ago. Also both DC's were made
GC (global catalogs)

THE DNS is pointing to itself. Do i have to do anything ms loopback adapter? never did in the past but if so is there any whitepapers on it. i was thinking maybe there is a chance that the loopback adapter is still locked to the old hardware.

what else can i do to test?

Best Answer

A variety of things could cause what you're seeing. Typically it is DNS-related, but it doesn't have to be, and it sounds like you checked that out already.

Toggle the "Verbose vs normal status messages" setting in the "System" section of group policy "Administrative Templates" to "Enabled" and see if the message "Preparing network connections..." changes to something a bit more helpful. (I set this setting to "Enabled" on all Customer networks. It's very handy to see more verbose information about what's happening during the time that WinLogon is putting the machine together.)

Could you edit your post to include a more detailed description about what you say you're seeing in the event log?