Smart Array P400 Drive Failure


I have a HP Proliant server with a Smart Array P400 RAID controller with 2 146 gb 10k SAS hard drives configured in a mirrored RAID configuration. Where could I find information regarding how a drive failure would affect this configuration? I am looking to see how this RAID configuration and hardware would react to a drive failure.

Best Answer

I'd start here: HP Smart Array P400 controller - Questions & Answers

Honestly though almost every decent RAID controller acts the same in the case of a single drive failure in a two disk RAID 1 array. Since the Smart Array is a true hardware RAID controller either drive can fail and the OS will still work just about as fast as it did with two drives. If you had a software based RAID controller (Some of the cheaper Promise models for instance) then you sometimes need a boot diskette to force booting off the second drive.

The HP Smart Array's are very good RAID controllers, they are decently fast, very reliable and dead simple to use. They are definitely my favorite embedded RAID controller. One great feature they have is being able to pull a set of drives from one system and stick it into another for recovery etc. purposes. Lot's of other RAID controller get very confused when you present them an array pulled from a different controller, not so the Smart Array. They just work!