DNS – Fixing SMTP Banner Mismatch with Multiple MX Records


My gut feeling says "this isn't a problem and logically cannot really be fixed". I am configuring a backup ISP connection for use with our onsite exchange mail server.

This is what I have set up: -> primary ISP -> backup ISP

The following added to our example.com domain DNS:

mail.example.com. A
mail2.example.com. A
example.com. MX 10 mail.example.com.
example.com. MX 20 mail2.example.com.

PTR added by relevent ISPs: mail.example.com mail2.example.com

Now, our mail server always worked with just mail.example.com as the banner, all is well, MXToolBox is happy. However, what do I do with the banner regarding our failover MX? Obviously the failover PTR is mail2.example.com and will produce a "Reverse DNS does not match SMTP Banner" in MXToolBox.

Do I just not worry about this or have I not set something correctly?

EDIT: SSL SAN cert installed on mail server has both mail.example.com and mail2.example.com.

Best Answer

On best practices: have two MX servers

The best option is to have two servers i.e. configure another Exchange (or alternatively an opensource based SMTP server, e.g. Postfix) as a backup/secondary MX server. In most cases the server itself may cause more downtime than the Internet connectivity. As the banner mismatch is only an issue on outbound mail, this server could perfectly fine be the mail2.example.com in your current configuration.

A single server with two Internet connections

Configuration for outbound mail

Second approach would be to have both connections configured with the same hostname, as it in fact is the same host with to different IP addresses and routes. That could be achieved with a round-robin DNS configuration + matching PTR records & SMTP banner e.g.

mail.example.com. A
mail.example.com. A PTR mail.example.com. PTR mail.example.com.

Do not forget to add an SPF record allowing both IP address to send mail, e.g.

example.com. IN TXT "v=spf1 +ip4: +ip4: -all"

Configuration for inbound mail

If you want to prefer the first ISP over the secondary on inbound mail (for example if it has better bandwidth), you could separate your MX configuration from this e.g. by adding

mx1.example.com. A
mx2.example.com. A
example.com. MX 10 mx1.example.com.
example.com. MX 20 mx2.example.com.

The banner mismatch is not a problem for inbound mail, so this would be perfectly fine.


To keep the certificate valid for both configurations it should now have SANs for all mail.example.com, mx1.example.com and mx2.example.com. Generally this doesn't matter so much, as mail server certificates are only seldom actually valitated, and most mail systems would still allow falling back to unencrypted connections.

Instead of CA based certificate validation, DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE, RFC 6698) is a proposed alternative, allowing verification of self-signed certificates, too. For backwards compatibility it's not possible to configure an SMTP server to only allow encrypted connections, which leaves a hole for MitM attacks for connections that could be established over TLS. With DANE it's possible to declare that TLS should be used for the connection and only certificates published in the DNS zone should be allowed.