SMTP connection to


I am writing an SMTP client in node.js. I successfully tested it against an SMTP server running on my localhost. However I found out that I am unable to connect to gmail's servers. Trying it with telnet, I run into the same problem.

telnet 587

hangs, and never responds. I do get a response on, but that does not appear to be what I want. What am I doing wrong, and how can I implement it properly.


To make it clear, I am sending an email to a gmail account, from my own smtp server

Best Answer

If you're not getting any response whatsoever it is likely to be your ISP blocking outbound port 25 connections. This is fairly common and is a technique for stopping botnet spam on consumer networks. See the MAAWG document on Managing Port 25.

Send from a real host - an Amazon EC2 server will work.

Also for sending mail inbound to Gmail, you want port 25, not 587.