SMTP retry interval – Lotus Domino


Our ISP only accepts 5 emails per transmission. If I do a manual send (route *), then I usually get the error:

57 Retry( 2) SMTP  [$Retry MY_ISP.COM] (Push)
Last error: 421 4.4.2 Message submission rate for this client has exceeded the configured limit
Next retry: 14/07/2014 08:46:21 AM

The retry interval appears to be 30 minutes after I do a 'route *'. I would like it to retry again in less time.

I have checked the configuration document Router/SMTP > Restrictions and Controls > Transfer Controls > Initial transfer retry interval – this is set to 15 minutes.

I have asked the ISP if they can change their config to accept more emails but do not expect this to change. If we send bulk emails then this causes a delay in mail sending.

Can anyone advise:
– Why the interval is 30 mins instead of 15 mins (as configured)?
– Can I change it to retry every 5 mins?
– Any pearls of wisdom?

Best Answer

By design, Domino router will perform the first attempt after an unsuccessful transfer/delivery, two times of the initial retry value. Here is the detailed algorithm:

So lowering this value should help.

You cannot limit the number of messages in a single session for Domino. There is a technote about it. I'm sure making an official feature request would be helpful about it.

Another way would be using an intermediate SMTP server (of course one with this capability) between you and the ISP. Domino can be configured to relay on this SMTP server and it might deliver the message.

Setting up a program document would be helpful as well. To do that, you should set program name as "nserver" and command line as -c "route *"