SNMP set up for Zenoss server


I've setup snmpv2 for communicating with Zenoss server. It's working.
But now I have some question.
1. Is SNMPv2 client broadcasting its data all the time? Is there any way to prevent that? Through configuration file? Can I use SNMP configuration file to limit it broadcast to certain ip only?
2. If I'm trying to push my snmp info to a server with dynamic ip, is it possible? How should it know the server? By domain name? Use SNMPv3? Anyone mind to guide me?

Best Answer

Short version: SNMP doesn't broadcast.

SNMP can mean two things. If you're talking about sending traps, then it sends it to a specific address that you would have to set up.

But normally what people are talking about is the box responding to a server asking for certain SNMP info. You can limit who can query this info in two ways:

  1. By having a community string set (You can think of this as a password)
  2. Limiting the IPs that can query.