Snort Performance Monitoring


Using snort version 2.8.6, I am attempting to collect application performance stats such as

  • Number of packets not processed due to application overload
  • Percentage of time in processing layers (preprocessor, reassembly, pattern matching, etc)
  • Number of packets processed
  • etc

I am currently using perfmonitor preprocessor to dump performance stats, and graphing some
of these values through SNMP calls. The documentation on this preprocessor is fairly limited
and doesn't do a good job of explaining what the fields actually mean, or what time frame the
figures are calculated over.

To get those kinds of performance metrics, what fields should I be looking at and how are those
fields measured?

Best Answer

Right now you have performance 'monitoring' enabled, but you want to enable performance and rule 'profiling'. A performance profile will provide stats on what preproc snort spends its time.

Add the following lines to snort:

config profile_rules: print 100, sort total_ticks, filename /tmp/rules_out
config profile_preprocs: print 10, sort total_ticks, filename /tmp/preproc_out

Let snort run for a while and then when you exit you can see the output files.

For more info please see page 107 of the Snort Manual

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