Snow Leopard Servers built in Wiki vs Mediawiki


I recently installed Snow Leopard Server and am trying to get the most out of the services it offers, but one thing that currently seems pretty barebones is the Wiki it provides.

Can Snow Leopard Servers wiki be modified with plugins the way MediaWiki can?

Are there any good plugins to allow you to include templates like MediaWiki?

Is there any way to include embeded syntax highlighted example code?

Is there even a good name to refer to it as when searching for it? "Snow Leopard Wiki" just turns up a bunch of wikis about SL.

Alternatively, how hard is it to install MediaWiki(or some other more advanced wiki engine) on SL Server? Could you plug it in to the same authentication mechanism?

Best Answer

Mediawiki is by far the most flexible and supported wiki software available today. As it's a trivial and painless thing to install and configure, taking just a few minutes, why not just do it? If you use the Apple supplied wiki and later find it doesn't really suit your needs or desires it will be a much bigger job to switch. With the massive number of mediawiki plug-ins available I would image there will be one to authenticate against most systems. There are definitely a bunch for authenticating against LDAP and Windows Active Directory.

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