Software RAID in Windows Server 2003


I am building small home server with raid 1 (mirror) on data disk. I have MB: Asus M2N SLI Deluxe with nvidia media shield RAID on board and 2 x 1TB HDD, OS: Windows Server 2003 x64.

My questions are:

  • which RAID I have to use, fake RAID on my MB from nVidia or software RAID(mirror) in Windows Server 2003?

to software RAID:

  • after OS reinstall will be this RAID still accessible, if not data will be OK?
  • can I take one hdd from raid and plug it to other PC and only read data?
  • what about performance?


Edit: Ok, I set up software RAID in Windows Server 2003 and it works fine. But a lot of times I see in Disk managment console that disk are beeing resynching. So if I write data to disk are these data immediately on both discs, or not? I googled but did not find how exactly software RAID works. Can you help me?

Best Answer

What if your MotherBoard die?. I think that software RAID will be easier to recover than the one provided by your MB. You might also consider using another one/two HD for your OS and putting your data in the soft raid volume. Performance will probably be equivalent between your soft and hard solutions.

EDIT: Here's a link for you showing how RAID levels works. Hope this fits your needs.