Solaris 10 Get latest Installed patches


I'm trying to find out a way to display the LATEST patches installed in a Solaris box. I know the existence of the commands:

showrev - p
patchadd -p

But I'd like to see a list of patches sorted by install date just to confirm that the box has the latest patch installed.

Best Answer

Patches are packages, packages live in in a directory tree for each package which is here:


The patches are in


ls -lrt for each one shows the order they were created on the system. Patches are NOT necessarily applied in chronological order. This gives you a rough idea, though.

Did you try the smpatch utility to see if there are pending required patches?

smpatch analyze 

shows what smpatch thinks you are missing.

Reply to sockets issue: java has issues that cause this for smpatch Bug ID: 2173292 Bug ID: 6771432 See or