Solaris 10 new disk discovering

discoveryhard drivescsisolaris

I'm having issues with a Solaris 10 SPARC host… It seems not able to discover newly provisioned disks. The disks are fed through a QLogic 2300 FC HBA.

I've tried cfgadm -al/cfgadm -f -c configure c0 + cfgadm -f -c configure c1, devfsadm -Cv as suggested by Google results, but these commands didn't seem to work…

Does anyone know any other way for Solaris 10 to scan/rescan for newly added FC disks?

Best Answer

I talked to QLogic customer support and their Level 2 engineers suggest doing

/opt/QLogic_Corporation/drvutil/qla2300/qlreconfig -d qla2300

or use their ioctl tool to perform a rescan on the HBA.

I tried both and found doing a rescan using the ioctl tool didn't work very well, but the qlreconfig always worked. What qlreconfig does is basically to unload and reload the driver HBA. Therefore, it is disruptiveā€¦

As suggested in the command path, this solution is only tested with qla2300 driver. Other QLogic HBA models may not have this issue, but I haven't got a chance to confirm that. If the directory "/opt/QLogic_Corporation" cannot be found, the system may be using the HBA driver shipped with Solaris. You would have to install the driver provided by QLogic to use the utility.