Solaris 10: x11-server does not show up as a service


I have a Solaris 10 box I recently put the latest recommended patch set on. X is running, along with cde-login. When I do a "svcs" I can see the cde-login service, but x11-server does not show up as a service, even if I do a "svcs -a". In the process list, X shows up as:

/usr/openwin/bin/Xsun :0 -defdepth 24 -nobanner -auth /var/dt/blah

x11-server is not listed in inetadm, so I don't think it's being run legacy style.

How is X getting started if it's not being run by SMF?

Best Answer

What happens if you disable the cde-login service? I would expect that X is actually started by the cde-login service itself.