Solaris Fibre Channel target – Configure QLogic QLA2340


I'm currently trying to set up a small storage system as a fibre channel target. This is for testing, so I'm currently using Solaris (Nexenta) and a QLogic QLA2340 HBA.

For some reason, the qlc and qlt drivers don't support the QLA2340, so I'm using the qla2300 driver from QLogic's website. I've also got the scli utility installed for configuration. The HBA is detected by the system.

That said, it's not clear how I get from this point to a point where I have a ZFS volume being exposed as an FC target. I was originally following this guide ( but it seems that without the qlc/qlt drivers, Sun's configuration tools won't work. Does that also imply that COMSTAR also won't work?

What's the best way to expose an FC target with this setup? Most of the options I'm seeing in scli complain that the port state is LinkDown (it is, I've not plugged anything in yet). Do I have to have my FC client plugged up and working before I can configure the target?

Apologies for the slight vagueness of the question, but I'm not overly familiar with the terminology.

Best Answer

Basicly you need to make FC availible before the volume can be detected, also Solaris usualy use qlc driver for SAN, and check the QLA2340 firmware with scli utility. Then reboot the server with a "reconfiguration", the SAN connection show be seen at this point by command:

# cfgadm -al

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