Solaris: socket listening on a port (/etc/xinetd.d equivalent on Linux)


I've prepared a script that accepts a request on a server port, then process user input, provides an output through the same port and then dies. The script is not always running but starts when a a certain port is open by the client. The (working) configuration on my Linux machine is this one:

    test_socket   9876/tcp    # TestSocket

    # default: on
    # description: blah blah blah
   service test_socket
      port        = 9876
      socket_type = stream
      protocol    = tcp
      wait        = no
      user        = root
      server      = /export/home/stefano/do_something.php
      instances   = 20

Once a client open port :9876, the 'do_something.php' script starts accepting incoming message, process it and give a result as output before to die and close communication.

I would like to migrate/replicate the above architecture to Solaris 10 machine.

For the purpose I've configured the same value on same services file:

    test_socket   9876/tcp    # TestSocket

But then… being the inetd.d dismissed on Solaris10 and replaced by svc, how can I create a manifest to reproduce the same behavior?

I've tried to search documentation but I wasn't able to find out anything that has start on demand when client ask to communicate through server port.

Can anybody help me?

Best Answer

You first need to create an inetd.conf style file with your configuration. This should be pretty straightforward, something like:

test_socket stream tcp nowait root /export/.../do_something.php do_something.php

Then run that command to import that service description to smf.

inetconv -i inetd.conf-style-file

Should you want to first have a look to what would be created without importing it, you can run:

inetconv -n -i inetd.conf-style-file -o /tmp

Note that once imported to smf, you administrate the service throught the inetadm command, e.g.:

inetadm -e svc:/network/test_socket/tcp:default # enable the service
inetadm -d svc:/network/test_socket/tcp:default # disable the service
inetadm -l svc:/network/test_socket/tcp:default # list the service properties
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