Solr php extension fails to run on newest Debian Wheezy


I'm trying to use the Solr PHP extension on the recently-upgraded Debian Wheezy. It installs both from PECL and from sources flawlessly but instead of giving me expected functionality it gives me this on every PHP run:

PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 
'/usr/lib/php5/20100525/' - /usr/lib/php5/20100525/ 
undefined symbol: curl_easy_getinfo in Unknown on line 0

Also scripts which use the extension throws an error

PHP Error[2]: include(SolrClient.php): failed to open stream: 
No such file or directory in file <...path to my autoloader...>

My main point is that it was set up before and worked like a charm. In the upgrade among the relevant packages only the versions of PHP and libcurl was changed. Instance of Solr itself was left as is.

I have all possible libcurl libraries:

$ locate libcurl

I have instaled the php5-curl package version 5.4.4-2 with aptitude.

I installed the Sorl extensions both with

sudo pecl install solr

(with various combinations of -f and -n flags and tried solr-beta too) and with

wget ...
cd ...
make install

I'm installing the 1.0.2 version of extension because it worked before the upgrade from Squeeze to Wheezy. As I said earlier, extension installs without any errors.

I have already added the incantation to the /etc/php5/mods-available/solr.ini

What magic should I do to make solr extension work? Is this true that the only solution that I have is to downgrade the libcurl version as it was before the upgrade?

Best Answer

OK, I found the answer myself. Problem was in the errors in configuration. On newest Wheezy the config tree for PHP is as follows:

/etc/php5/mods-available/*.ini # here's the ini files containing `` lines and module-specific config.
         /conf.d/NN-*.ini      # here's the symlinks to real .ini files in mods-available
         /cli/conf.d           # symlink from local CLI conf.d to global conf.d 
         /apache/conf.d        # symlink from local apache conf.d to global conf.d

So I needed to do the following things:

  • Add a file /etc/php5/mods-available/solr.ini with the line ""
  • Add a symlink /etc/php5/conf.d/30-solr.ini pointing to real solr.ini
  • Do the same thing to
  • Ensure that the "" and "" is not written anywhere else. That was the cause of this strange error message.

I think that the config become messy because of recent upgrade from Squeeze to Wheezy, because all of this configuration set-up should be really done by the package manager.