Some Emails incoming to Outlook 2007 are blank, same emails work fine on webmail, iphone, etc


This is a pretty easy problem to describe. Basically users who have just been upgraded to Outlook 2007 (yeah I know 2010 is out), are not receiving SOME emails (from outside our domain, ie hotmail, yahoo). Receiving is not the correct word, these emails come in, along with their attachments, subjects, to/from line, etc. But the body is blank. If the same user goes into their webmail, iphone, blackberry instead, they can read the message fine.

It's clear to me that something in Outlook 2007 is not generating the body correctly, so it just strips it. I just don't know WHY.

Our mail server was recently upgraded to Exchange 2010, users on 2010 running outlook 2003 are working fine, it's just the random emails for users using 2007.

I hope I made that clear enough, thank you for any future help guys.

I don't see rft, but i swear I've seen it before. Here is the view source on a recent email.

 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="MSHTML 8.00.6001.19120">
<DEFANGED_style_0 <="" style="">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<p><DEFANGED_DIV><font color="#0000ff" size="2" face="Calibri">MS,</font></p><DEFANGED_DIV>
<p><DEFANGED_DIV><font color="#0000ff" size="2" face="Calibri">Could you tell me please what the 
legal descrip &amp; Topo Quad name is for this Monroe P.ID Site?</font></p><DEFANGED_DIV>
<p><DEFANGED_DIV><em><font color="#0000ff" size="2" face="Calibri">Thanks, Henry 

Best Answer

Found that avg email scanner was removing content (body) of email but leaving the subject, sender etc. on a shared mailbox. Hope this helps for users who might come along this article.