SPARC T4 iLom CLI not accessible from SER MGT Port. (NET MGT – inaccessible)


Our 3 SPARC T4 Sun servers have all of a sudden began the exact same behaviour.
-Fans are at full RPM
-Attentions lights on all 3 are on solid amber
-ILOM network interfaces not responding (all 3 were working fine previously)
-When connecting to the SER MGT port i am getting the Local Solaris OS clie not sp(hadn't tried accessing it previously this way but all online documents state this should be a direct cli to ILOM.)

I am out of ideas and power cycling the machines is absolutely out of the question.

Best Answer

You ran into a firmware bug. There is a fix in recent firmware releases.

When the NET MGT ports get some weird malformed packets the ILOM crashes and goes into bypass mode: temp sensors are offline, so fans go to full speed SER MGT switches to pass through to Solaris serial port

You need to power cycle the boxes (pull the plug, wait 30s, plug in) Update the firmware

Then you'll be fine.