Specify Chef provider for windows_feature


I originally asked this question on StackOverflow, but did not receive any working answers: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18648713/specify-chef-provider-for-windows-feature.

I'm trying to use Chef (chef-solo) to manage my Windows Server 2008 R2 installation. Chef provides windows_feature to add roles/features to a Windows server. By default, windows_feature uses DISM to install roles (if available). However, to my knowledge, not all roles (e.g., RDS-RD-Server) are able to be added via DISM.

I could presumably use Chef::Provider::WindowsFeature::ServerManagerCmd (identified in the Windows cookbook readme: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/windows), but it doesn't look like that is a real class (browsing the source code there). Also, servermanagercmd is deprecated (though it would work).

I wouldn't mind even using a powershell block to add the role, but I'm having a hard time ensuring idempotence. It seems like the not_if command shell is some weird mingwin shell rather than CMD.

Here's a sample of what I've tried using powershell (doesn't work):

powershell "install_rds_server" do
  code %Q{
    Import-Module Servermanager
    Add-WindowsFeature RDS-RD-Server
  not_if %Q{
    powershell "Import-Module Servermanager; $check = get-windowsfeature -name RDS-RD-Server; if ($check.Installed -ne \"True\") { exit 1 }"

I've also tried the following:

windows_feature 'RDS-RD-Server' do
  provider Chef::Provider::WindowsFeature::ServerManagerCmd

which returns the following error:

FATAL: NameError: uninitialized constant Chef::Provider::WindowsFeature::ServerManagerCmd

What would be the recommended Chef way of adding this role?

Best Answer

Based on the Chef documentation for LWRPs, I think the actual class name for the LWRP in the windows cookbook is


As such, you should use something like

windows_feature 'RDS-RD-Server' do
  provider Chef::Provider::WindowsFeatureServermanagercmd
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