Specify desktop wallpaper image via GPO results in blank background


I'm running Windows Server 2008 and Windows XP clients attached to the domain.

The local user has a background image specified, which I am trying to override with a GPO.

I attempting to set the desktop wallpaper by using a GPO to copy the image file to the local workstation in computer configuration\preferences\files

action: create

source file: \\mydomain.local\NETLOGON\wallpaper\background.bmp

destination file: c:\scripts\wallpaper\background.bmp

Then, setting the wallpaper in user configuration\administrative templates\desktop\desktop with the setting desktop wallpaper

wallpaper name: C:\scripts\wallpaper\background.bmp

wallpaper style: centered

I am able to see the default wallpaper briefly after logging in, but then it disappears and I'm left with a blank background.

The image file is available on the server, and is successfully copied to the local workstation.

The Client side extensions update is installed on the workstation and other user-based GPO settings are working.

Here are all the settings in the desktop GPO:
Desktop GPO settings
Desktop GPO settings

Am I missing something?

Best Answer

@Simon-catlin has good hints, and here's a larger list of things to check:

Note if you have to test this via RDP, ensure the RDP session is set to max fidelity (the desktop background is checked or you'll never see it).

  1. When having a GPO issue, you need to only troubleshoot that issue. Just in the screenshots you have dozens set, but you first need to just test one: setting the background. Move the computer to a OU outside of all other GPO's and create a test GPO to walk though this, which will help you find what the hangup is: permissions, conflicting GPO's, etc.
  2. Once you've verified you can set the bmp to a local default file built into XP, then manually copy the one you want over, and try setting it.
  3. Once that works, then test the GPP. Note that you'll need to use the file copy in the Computer GPP so it copies before the user logs in.

Lastly, it may take multiple user logins to see it. With some GPO's, especially in XP, they are set on first login, but don't take affect till 2nd login. Often you'll see info about that in event logs.