SQL 2012 server alias works locally but not remotely


I'm preparing for a server migration and am attempting to redirect a named instance of SQL Server 2012 (DW) to the default instance. There is currently no DW instance on the test server – I'd like to avoid re-creating it and consolidate all of our databases on the default instance when we upgrade. However, I need connections that are pointing at the named instance to continue to function.

I set up an alias as directed here and am able to use named instance (xx.xx.xx.xx\DW) to connect to the default instance (xx.xx.xx.xx) when I am RDP'd into the server. I'm able to connect to the default instance from my local SSMS as well. However, when I try to connect to the named instance (which should redirect to the default instance) from my local SSMS I get an error that says:

A network related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a 
connection to SQL Server.  The server was not found or was not accessible.  
Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured 
to allow remote connections

Is there any reason the alias would function from within the server but not remotely?

Best Answer

You have to create the alias on each users machine that will be connecting to the SQL Server via the named instance.