Sql – Can’t Open Port 1433 on Window Server 2008 (attempting to connect to SQL Server 2008 Express)


I'm trying to open Port 1433 on windows firewall but not having much luck.

I've added a new Inbound Rule (attempting to open TCP 1433) which looks okay and appears to be on but when I run netstat -an the server doesn't appear to be listening on Port 1433.

I've gone through the motions of setting SQL Server Express to not use dynamic ports (I looked down the list of IPs in the config manager and enabled the servers external IP, removed "0" from dynamic ports and added 1433).

I feel that this is an issue with the firewalling and wondered if anyone had any pointers on where I may be going wrong.

Many thanks,


Best Answer

You should leave blank 'TCP dynamic port' field and add 1433 to 'TCP Port' field to disable dynamic port allocation for SQL Server Express instance.

Have you restarted SQL Server express after your configuration changes?