SQL Server 2012 Native Client returns missing DLL error on install


OS: Windows 7 Pro SP1

Whenever I try to install the SQL Server 2012 Native Client x64 the install process gets to the end, the "removing backup files" stage then throws up this error:

"There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package. A DLL required for this installation to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor"

Then when I click OK (I have no other option) it rolls everything back and uninstalls. The computer has all updates installed. Anyone have any ideas?

Edit: I figured it out. I copied sqlncli11.dll from system32 on a working machine to the broken machine, re-ran the installer for 2012 Native Client and it didn't throw up any errors.

Best Answer

Are you running 64 bit Windows 7? What is result of this command?:

wmic os get osarchitecture
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