SQL Server 2012 – Transparent Data Encryption not available in this edition


Let me start by saying that the instance of SQL Server 2012 I am attempting to set up TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) on, is the Enterprise edition.

However, when following the MSDN tutorial tutorial, I get to the following line:

create database encryption key with algorithm = AES_256 encryption by server certificate TDECertificate

and I get the error:

Msg 33117, Level 16, State 1, Line 6
Transparent Data Encryption is not available in the edition of this SQL Server instance. See books online for more details on feature support in different SQL Server editions.

Can anybody advise me as to why I would be getting this error?

Best Answer

I've tried the same on my 2012 Developer instance and had no problems.

Ensure that the instance you're connected to is indeed Enterprise or Developer edition by running

SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('productversion'), SERVERPROPERTY ('productlevel'), SERVERPROPERTY ('edition')