Sql-server – can SSIS connect to another sql server

sql serverssis

Can an SSIS package run on one SQL Server instance but process data that is located on another SQL Server instance? I'd like to know this before I attempt to install SSIS and require a possible reboot on another server.

I want to do because Microsoft recommends not to run SSIS in a Clustered environment. To avoid issues, I installed another instance of SQL Server 2005 with SSIS to run packages provided for our accounting system.

Best Answer

Yes, it is very much possible. You can define connections to a myriad of external datasources from within an SSIS package. SQL Server, Oracle, Excel, flat files, etc etc.

Just remembered one gotcha when dealing connecting to Excel via SSIS in a 64-bit environment. You need the 32-bit client tools installed on your 64-bit SQL box in order to interface with Excel. This has been somewhat painful for us...

Here's a link to an MSDN article that describes how to add connection managers to your SSIS package and also provides links to various types of supported connection managers.