Sql-server – Cannot complete sql server 2005/sql express 2005 installation in the system

sqlsql server

  I am trying to install sql server 2005 in my system after uninstalling a previous version of corrupted sql server 2005. But while starting to install sql server services during installation process an error is occurring. The error is as follows: 

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Setup The SQL Server service
failed to start.
For more information, see the SQL Server Books Online
topics, "How to: View SQL Server 2005 Setup Log Files" and "Starting SQL Server
Error Number :29503

I also tried to install SQL express 2005 results in same error..

My system configuration is as follows:

  1. OS->windows xp sp3
  2. processor intel atom

Any one please help me to get rid of this error…….

Best Answer

SQL 2005 will not install on a stock SP3 system. It relates to MSXML 6.0, and the versions installed by SQL2005 and SP3. See this KB article.

The normal fix is to use the Windows Installer Clean-up utility to remove the references to MSXML 6; unfortunately, Microsoft has removed that tool from their website.

Is there a reason you have to use SQL 2005? If not, just go to SQL Express 2008.