Sql-server – Can’t access remote SQL Server instance even if its firewall its disabled

remote-accesssql server

I'm trying to remotely access to an old SQL Server 2005 instance in order to port some data over to another server, however I am unable to access to the database while using my database administrator tool (DBeaver).

Via Remote Desktop I can access the server and make changes, and I verified the Windows Firewall was indeed disabled, even so I can't seem to connect to the database since the connection times out. It's not a problem in my end since I can access other database servers (both MSSQL and MySQL/MariaDB) without problems.

Trying to access the Windows Firewall option from the control panel throws a message box that says Windows Firewall cannot run because another program or service is running that might use the network address translation component (Ipnat.sys). A quick google revealed that this might be a problem with RRAS, but even after disabling that service the firewall service couldn't start to be accessed.

Note that I can't use Microsoft's SSMS since my workspace uses a Linux OS.

The remote system uses Windows Server 2003.

I appreciate any help with this issue.

Tools used: DBeaver 5.1.1, Remmina Remote Desktop Client

Best Answer

RDP to the server and open SQL Server Configuration Manager, then navigate to SQL Server Network Configuration, then select the protocol for the installed instance. Check TCP/IP in the right window and make sure it is enabled. If not, enable it and restart the SQL Server service.