Sql-server – Fusion-IO ioDrives in SQL Server cluster

sql servertempdbwindows-cluster

Has anyone successfully set up a Fusion-io ioDrive (or similar product) in a Windows cluster for SQL Server? (I would be interested in either Windows Server 2003 or 2008 and SQL Server 2005 or 2008).

We are looking into the possibility of setting up 2 cards on each node in the cluster (RAID 1) to house the TempDB database.

Specifically we are interested in how you would trick windows clustering service to recognize this local "drive" as a cluster resource. (I'm well aware this is unsupported by MS).

Best Answer

tempdb is disposable and rebuilt on restart anyway.

I'd try moving it to the local disks and see what happens. You shouldn't need to add them as a resource. YMMV of course.

User databases + master, msdb, model etc should be on the shared disks


Like I said, YMMV