Sql-server – How to add theself to the local sql server’s windows authentication

authenticationsql server

IT recently re-setup my laptop with 64bit windows. He installed Sql Server dev edition for me and set it up with a username and password. I logged in and tried changing Sql Server to windows authentication, restarted sql server, and now it won't let me log in with my domain account.

I have tried adding myself to the SQLServerSQLAgentUser and SQLServerMSSQLUser groups on my local system, but Sql Server still keeps saying my domain account is not authorized. My account is a local system administrator.

How can I get Sql Server to let me log in?

Best Answer

Unfortunately I think you'll either have to:

  1. Get your local and beloved IT friend to log in to the database and set up your account correctly.
  2. Reinstall SQL Server under your account so that you are automatically granted log in permissions.

If you don't have access to the database, then you can't update the security to give yourself permissions.

In order to log in to your SQL Server (individual database permissions may still be missing) the security login needs to be created with Windows authentication selected and then the domain account name is the Login name.

enter image description here