Sql-server – How to check progress of DBCC SHRINKFILE

shrinksql serversql-server-2005sql-server-2008

Is there a way to find out the progress of DBCC SHRINKFILE statement?

Here is how I was running it

dbcc shrinkfile('main_data', 250000)

I am running above statement on both SQL Server 2005 and 2008.

Here is the query I ran to check the progress and the text that's being run.

select  T.text, R.Status, R.Command, DatabaseName = db_name(R.database_id)
        , R.cpu_time, R.total_elapsed_time, R.percent_complete
from    sys.dm_exec_requests R
        cross apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text(R.sql_handle) T

Best Answer

Have you checked percent_complete in sys.dm_exec_requests?