Sql-server – how to consolidate multiple log files into one ldf file in sql2000

consolidationlog-filesshrinksql serversql-server-2008

I'm in the process of copying databases from SQL 2000 to a 2008 instance on another server using DETACH, copy windows file to 2008 server, then finally ATTACH. I've come to a database where the LOG file is in 2 windows files:

name                          fileid filename                            size         maxsize    growth      usage

MasterScratchPad_Data     1      C:\SQLDATA\MasterScratchPad_Data.MDF    6041600 KB   Unlimited  5120000 KB  data only
MasterScratchPad_Log      2      C:\SQLDATA\MasterScratchPad_Log.LDF     2111304 KB   Unlimited  10%         log only
MasterScratchPad_X1_Log   3      E:\SQLDATA\MasterScratchPad_X1_Log.LDF  191944 KB    Unlimited  10%         log only

I'd like to have just one file for the log (i.e. I can make it larger and adjust the growth parameters but I would prefer to have it be just one file before I upgrade the database to SQL2008).

I have backed up the database. I have issued: BACKUP LOG MasterScratchPad WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY. I have run multiple DBCC SHRINKFILE commands on both of the LOG files. The most recent attempt was DBCC SHRINKFILE(MasterScratchPad_X1_Log, 0) yet result is as above.

How can I accomplish this goal of having just one .LDF? I cannot find anything on how to delete the one with fileid of 3 and/or how to consolidate multiple files into one log file.

Best Answer

This is fairly straight forward... Here is your script below. Let me know if you need anything else.



USE [MasterScratchPad]


ALTER DATABASE [MasterScratchPad] REMOVE FILE [MasterScratchPad_X1_Log]