Sql-server – How to: Hot Standby SQL Server in another datacenter

failoverhigh-availabilityreplicationsql serversql-server-2008

For our SaaS app, I want to have a system in place for a datacenter wide failure.

In the main datacentre, we have two servers set up with MSSQL Database Mirroring (synchronised). This provides us with a good enough high availability solution for server failures. If a server dies, it fails over automatically (with the help of a 3rd witness server) within seconds.

I was thinking of using MSSQL Replication or Log Shipping from the mirrored database to keep a warm standby server in another datacentre – note this will be transatlantic and thus high pings ~100ms. I guess I could use some DNS failover service with a short (5 min) TTL that will direct traffic to the second datacenter in the event of a failure of the first.


Can I use replication or log shipping from a mirrored database (seamlessly working if it fails over to the other instance)?

Which is preferred – replication or log shipping or something else?

Is it possible to have the failover database accept writes?

Or would there be potential data loss from the failover and so best to have this read-only until we fail back to the main datacenter?


EDIT: anyone have any ideas for a standby MSSQL server configuration?

Best Answer

Either log shipping or replication will work with DB mirroring - which one you should use depends on your requirements, but replication can be harder to set up and manage than log shipping so personally I would stick with log shipping unless there's a feature of replication that you really need. The links below give more information on how to set each one up.

Is it possible to have the failover database accept writes?

Note: I assume you mean once failover has occured, rather than during day-to-day normal operation.

Certainly with log shipping it is possible to have the failover database in the secondary DC accept writes. If you can take and apply a tail-log backup of the database running in the primary DC (to minimise data loss, and to keep the log chain intact) then you will have an up-to-date copy of the database running, however do not forget that you are running exposed in this situation. Regular log backups can help but if your goal is not to lose any transactions then this cannot be guaranteed when you are running solely on the log shipping secondary in the other DC. It may be better just to run the application in a read-only state until your HA is set up again. From this state you can copy log backups across to the primary datacentre, then reinitialise mirroring.

Useful links:

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187016.aspx - Log shipping and database mirroring http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms151799.aspx - Replication and database mirroring

Note: to get write access to a logshipping database, you need to RESTORE DATBASE dbname WITH RECOVERY Afterwards it can be written like the master, BUT you cannot restore any additional logs after you do this. You need to restore a new full backup to get logshipping working again. But it would at lest allow you to failover to it.