Sql-server – How to we recover/restore lost/overwritten data in our MSSQL 2008 table

sql serversql-server-2008

I am in serious trouble and I am seeking professional advices here.

We are using MSSQL server 2008. We removed primary key, replaced exiting data with new data resulted losing our critical business data in its child tables on MSSQL Server. It was completely human mistake and we didn't have disk failure.

1) The last backup file was a month ago which means it is useless.

2) We created Maintenance Plans to backup our database at 12AM everyday but those files are nohwere to be found

3) A friend of mine said we can recover from Transaction Logs. When I go to Task>Restore> Transaction log is dimmed/disabled.

4) I checked Management>Maintenance Plans. I can't find any restored point there. It seems that our maintenance plan hasn't been working.

Is there any third party tool to recover lost/overwritten data from MSSQL table? Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

If your database is in full recovery mode and transaction chain is not broken (you have backup + transaction log since last full backup) then it might be possible to recover some or even all data by analyzing transaction log.

If transaction log is in full recovery mode then transactions are logged and can be read from t-log but unfortunately this is not an easy task.

Your options are to try and read this yourself using DBCC LOG command or third party tools such as ApexSQL Log or Quest Toad