Sql-server – In a Server migration / move, Do I need to rename the Windows Server name if I change the Server name to Alias (CNAME) the new Server

cname-recorddomain-name-systemmigrationsql serverupgrade

Hi I have an existing and new server that are part of a windows domain. I want to redirect network traffic to the new server and keep the existing one online short-term then offline it after a few weeks. There will be no IP changes of hosts, and I cannot re-name my existing Server001 to reboot with a new name like Server001-OLD… but I am hoping I can rename it at dns level??

This is for a MS SQL DB server and contains Shared Folders accessed via UNC path. An ETL Server will access shared folders and the SQL Server DB based on host name "Server001" My goal is to allow connections to route to the new server(serverP1) using the existing server name (Server001) without changes and any 3rd Party software also continues to run (e.g. backup software)

For example: An older server, called Server001 ( and a new one called ServerP1 (

Will this work successfully:

Can I request my DNS guys to update DNS:
Server001 to Server001-old (retaining current IP
hoping this will stop traffic going to old server

Create a new DNS entry CNAME /alias named Server001 referencing ServerP1 (

Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

This is totally possible if you are okay with turning off the old server during the migration and leaving it off. If turning off the server is not an option then I would suggest looking into the SQL Client Alias (cliconfg) and redirecting the client machines, since the old server being online will require a DNS A record to work. Renaming the old server is really the best option here to free up the A record.

You could use a process like the one below to migrate the data and then redirect the clients using DNS. To reduce the outage you could use database mirroring to replicate the databases ahead of time, then just failvoer to the new instance and remove mirroring to cut over. If your backups take a long time this option is worth looking at.

  • Install new isntance on new server with same instance name
  • Backup database, logins, jobs, etc
  • Shutdown old server (begin outage)
  • delete DNS A record for old server
  • create new DNS CNAME record for old server name that points to new server name
  • Restore instance objects to new server (once complete outage over)
  • restart applications
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