Sql-server – Is manually updating statistics necessary when auto create/update statistics are turned on for a SQL Server database

performancesql server

Is it necessary to manually UPDATE STATISTICS for a SQL Server database regularly (e.g. daily) when AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS and AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS options are ON?

Best Answer

Yes you need to update the statistics manually, especially as your database gets bigger.

The auto_update statistics logic only kicks in after the table has grown by 20% from what it was the last time the statistics were updated. In larger tables this can be hundreds of millions of records. In these cases the statistics will become out of date before the auto update logic kicks in so you'll have to update them manually.

Now if you rebuild your indexes on a regular basis, then the stats for the index would already be updated as this is done as part of the index rebuild process. If you defrag your indexes instead of rebuilding them then you will need to update statistics as the updating of statistics is not done automatically when you defrag the index.

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